Participants wanted: for individual differences in mood and memory study
We invite those aged 18-45 to participate in a research project that involves one online session. The study will last no more than 45 minutes. Initially, you will be asked questions about your age and mood to determine your eligibility. If eligible, you’ll proceed to answer seven short questionnaires (that assess styles of thinking and mood) and will then complete a brief memory task (assessing personal memories). The questionnaires are all completed online via Qualtrics in one sitting. Upon completion, you will have the option to be included in a draw of 10 £20 Amazon vouchers.
If you are interested, please get in contact using the details below. You will be given a Participant Information Sheet that further details my research and you will have the opportunity to ask questions (via email) before being asked whether you consent to participate.
Eligibility criteria: You must be aged 18-45 to participate in our study.
Sign up: If you would like more information about the study please email Mandy Lathan at [email protected]. You can participate in the study here.
UTREC Approval Code: PS15055