Participants wanted: depth perception

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Project Title: Depth perception in observers with typical stereovision

This study is being conducted as part of a research project aimed at better understanding depth perception.

We invite you to participate in a study aimed at understanding how depth is perceived under different conditions. We are specifically interested in understanding how depth information is perceived by observers with typical stereovision (i.e., those with no deficits in 3D vision).

If you have NO difficulty in watching 3D movies and would like to participate in this research, please contact us at the email indicated below.

The experiment will involve looking at images of 3D objects (lines, shapes, etc.) on computer screens and estimating or comparing the depth of the objects you perceive. The session will take about 1-1.5 hours.

The information you provide will be anonymised and held confidentially by researcher and supervisor involved in this project. Before agreeing to participate in this research, you will be given a Participant Information Sheet that will further detail my/our research before consenting to participate.

We may ask you if you would like to be contacted for future studies involving depth perception. If you agree, your contact details will be held separately in coded form from the anonymised data gathered in this study.

A reward of 5 pounds per hour (or part thereof) will be given for participation

Contact Details
Inga Risle                                      

email [email protected]

Supervisor: Dr Dhanraj Vishwanath

email [email protected]


UTREC Approval Code: PS15184