Getting and staying organised for success (17 February)

Anushrut Ramakrishnan Agrwaal
Wednesday 9 February 2022

This GRADskills workshop is for all research postgraduate students from any year of study (5 places reserved for taught postgraduate students)Are you juggling too many things in your life? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Being organised and steady personally means that you can be original and prolific in your work.

This workshop will help you to get organised and stay organised by looking at ways to improve your organisation so that you can quickly execute all those tasks well to achieve your targets and goals. These tips and life hacks can help you achieve a good work-life balance. The workshop aims to help you have clear plans for getting organised, help you combat procrastination, design a work plan that’ll help you work smartly towards your goals, use strategies to stay organised, keep to commitments and deadlines, and use personal organisation as a strength to plan ahead.

Booking link: Request a place on Getting and staying organised for success

What previous participants have said about (the in-person version of) this course:

  • “Extremely motivational.”
  • “Very practical and personal to individual circumstances. Feel like I have a better idea of how to get organized.”
  • “I found it useful that the event was tailored to PhD writing as all students were PhD students. This event was filled with specific actionable information and tasks.”

 The workshop will be held via Microsoft Teams.