HEA Senior Fellow Application workshop (17 March)

Anushrut Ramakrishnan Agrwaal
Wednesday 2 March 2022

This CEED workshop is for any member of teaching staff interested in applying to Advance HE for Senior Fellowship. Prior to attending this one-hour workshop you should complete the Getting started with your application and General information and advice sections of the self-enrol Applying for HEA Fellowship Moodle course. The expectation is that you will have already reviewed the dimensions of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and the criteria for Senior Fellow.

After a round of introductions, the facilitator Dr Heather McKiggan-Fee (a Senior Fellow) will outline the application process, briefly explain the criteria for choosing the HEA Senior Fellow and answer any questions. There will be some small group work to generate ideas for which examples of practice you might include in your application and how you will evidence that you have had a positive impact on student learning. The session will finish with some advice for writing an effective application.

Booking Link: Request a place at HEA Senior Fellow Application Workshop

What participants have said about a previous version of this course:

  • “It helps you understand the ins-and-outs of a HEA fellowship with real life examples and experience shared throughout the workshop.”
  • “Well worth taking time to listen to useful advice and also good to bounce ideas off others who are also applying.”
  • “As expected, Heather shows enthusiasm and passion on the subject, creating more awareness on the importance of being a good teacher in HE (and showing evidence for it).”

This workshop is held via Microsoft Teams