Online Research Skills Toolkit for PGRs

Lucy Hall
Wednesday 2 March 2022

Applications are now open to all PGR students who wish to access Epigeum’s Research Skills Toolkit.

The Research Skills Toolkit is a comprehensive, interactive online training resource for early-career researchers covering a broad range of essential skills. The Toolkit has 18 online modules covering ethics, research methods, working with your supervisor, academic publishing and much more. With your token, you will be able to access all courses with the Research Skills Toolkit: International logo. Please note that there will be some upcoming changes to the way in which Epigeum courses are organised by theme. This will not impact your access.

GRADskills (via CEED) 25 licences to allocate for this year. The licence gives you access to the online training materials from 31st July 2021 to 31st July 2022.  Licences are awarded on a first-come first-serve basis.

Find out more and request access to the Research Skills Toolkit 2021-22