Pecha Kucha @St Andrews: Community edition (15 March)

Anushrut Ramakrishnan Agrwaal
Wednesday 9 March 2022

Pecha Kucha is a visual storytelling format where the speaker tells a story using only 20 images, with 20 seconds to talk about each image! It’s designed to be a rapid-fire and fun format, with each talk lasting just a bit longer than 6 minutes! Enterprise Education is hosting an in-person Pecha Kucha event on Tuesday March 15th 18:30-20:30 at the Parliament Hall.

Our theme this time is Community. Communities have made a big difference to people’s lives, especially during the pandemic, so we thought that this theme would let us celebrate wonderful communities, help us discover some new ones and give us a chance to learn more about members of our St Andrews community!

Join us to hear professors, students tell us about, society, fandom, or any other kind of community that matters to them!

Sign up link:

We will be serving nibbles and drinks at The Parliament Hall, so come by and hear some amazing stories!!!