The effects alcohol-induced blackouts have on attention, inhibition and memory

Jo Yi Lim
Tuesday 15 March 2022

We are recruiting participants for our dissertation project that is on the effects alcohol-induced blackouts have on attention, inhibition, and memory over time (UTREC Approval Code: PS15928). Blackout in our study is defined as alcohol-related memory loss, where the individual cannot remember fully or partially what happened during the time they were drinking. 


You will be asked to first complete a questionnaire regarding your exposure to alcohol and blackouts, and background details. After that, you will be asked to complete 3 online behavioural tasks then, with a modern wearable brain recording (EEG) headband called MUSE, complete 2 neural tasks. The time estimation of the study will be approx. 50-65mins. All participants get a chance to win one of three £20 cash vouchers upon participation. The study will take place at the School of Psychology & Neuroscience, St Mary’s Quad, South Street (estimated time length of the whole study: 60 minutes). Participants will get a chance to win one of three £20 vouchers.

Participant eligibility 

Students from any years of study and different departments (both undergrad and postgrad) between 18-24 years old are welcome to join our study. We are looking for student drinkers who have had experienced at least one alcohol-induced blackout in their lifetime and very occasional/non-drinkers who have never experienced a blackout in their lifetime. Also, you should have normal or corrected-to-normal hearing and vision, and a basic understanding of English. 

If interested, you may access our study page on SONA to sign-up or contact [email protected]/  for any enquiries.