The effects alcohol-induced blackouts have on attention, inhibition and memory

Jo Yi Lim
Wednesday 23 March 2022

We are recruiting participants for our dissertation project that is on the effects alcohol-induced blackouts have on attention, inhibition, and memory over time (UTREC Approval Code: PS15928). Blackout in our study is defined as alcohol-related memory loss, where the individual cannot remember fully or partially what happened during the time they were drinking. 


You will be asked to first complete a questionnaire regarding your exposure to alcohol and blackouts, and background details. After that, you will be asked to complete 3 online behavioural tasks, then with a modern wearable brain recording (EEG) headband called MUSE, complete 2 neural tasks. The time estimation of the study will be approx. 50-65mins. All participants get a chance to win one of three £20 cash vouchers upon participation. The study will take place at the School of Psychology & Neuroscience, St Mary’s Quad, South Street. You won’t be asked to drink alcohol during the study and will be asked to not consume alcohol within the 20 hours before your scheduled session. 

Participant eligibility 

Students from any years of study and different departments (both undergrad and postgrad) between 18-24 years old are welcome to join our study. We are looking for student drinkers who have had experienced at least one alcohol-induced blackout in their lifetime and very occasional/non-drinkers who have never experienced a blackout in their lifetime. Also, you should have normal or corrected-to-normal hearing and vision, and a basic understanding of English. 

If interested, you may access our study page on SONA to sign-up or contact [email protected]/  for any enquiries.