Careers beyond research: applying your skills outside academia (6 October)

Anushrut Ramakrishnan Agrwaal
Wednesday 14 September 2022

There are a number of options outside of academia that are open to those who hold a PhD. Not everyone chooses to climb the academic ladder and many researchers are unaware of the variety of other options that are available. During their career, researchers develop a number of skills that they can utilise in a variety of other positions, whether these are related to their research or not. A key component to finding a job outside academia is presenting yourself well at interviews, highlighting your skills and explaining your academic experience in a way that appeals to certain employers. This workshop aims to highlight a number of these careers and to explore what particular options might be compatible with individuals.

Booking Link: Request a place at Careers beyond research: applying your skills outside academia

This workshop on the 6 October will be held via Zoom