Community for Evidence-Led Practice in Education (CELPiE) showcase (5 October)

Heather McKiggan-Fee
Wednesday 21 September 2022

We are delighted to announce that the first ever Community for Evidence-Led Practice in Education (CELPiE) showcase will occur on Wednesday 05 October between 1-4 pm in Psychology Seminar Room 1.00. The CELPiE showcase will highlight the broad variety of work taking place within the community through a series of six-minute talks, facilitated discussions and networking sessions. The event aims to show the diversity of work occurring and provide a foundation for the development of new working relationships and evidence-led collaborative activity.

Request a place for this event.

CELPiE is a community-led and community-driven initiative aimed at supporting and enhancing all aspects of the University’s world-leading student experience. The community is fully open to all members of professional service staff, academic staff and postgraduate research students who teach.

We have a wonderful array of speakers and topics delivered by staff from Professional Service Units and Academic Schools,  as shown in the provisional programme. The CELPiE showcase will be an in-person event, although there is an online option for those who are unable to attend in-person. This event is open to all interested Professional Service and Academic Staff.  Interested PGR students should contact the organiser, Dr Gerald Prescott (grp2) in the first instance to enquire about availability.

Please encourage your colleagues to come and enjoy the community spirit, meet colleagues and enjoy finding out about some of the wonderful activities CELPiE members are involved in.

Colleagues are also welcomed and encouraged to engage with the CELPiE Community of Practice, a Microsoft Team which provides all members of our community with a place to seek advice and support, share good practice, develop collaborations and make suggestions in an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages open discussion.