Influencing skills: How to handle challenging conversations to achieve your goals (book now for 31 Oct)

Lucy Hall
Wednesday 26 October 2022

This workshop will run online.

Do you find it difficult to make your views known to your supervisor? Do you have trouble saying “no” when others ask you to fit another task into an already over-crowded schedule? Try developing your assertiveness and communication skills to help with these and other situations.

This workshop will enable you to negotiate easily and successfully. The situation might vary but the key skills involved in negotiating stay constant. The course will teach you how to get the best out of every situation and keep good will from everyone involved.

What previous participants have said about this course:

“It has given me a good understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of negotiation, and the template will be highly useful in practice.”

“If you want to persuade people to do what you want… take this seminar.”

Book your place on Influencing skills: How to handle challenging conversations to achieve your goals, 31st October (this event will run online)