Interview skills: academic and competency based interviews (book now for 8 Dec)

Lucy Hall
Wednesday 23 November 2022

This workshop will run online.

This GRADskills workshop will provide participants with a clearer understanding of the interview process, with a specific focus on academic and competency-based questions. Fundamental preparation and delivery techniques will be examined, along with exploring some of the possible questions that could be asked in different recruitment scenarios. Participants will also be encouraged to take part in mock interview questioning with other participants to improve their preparation for future interviews

What previous participants have said about this course:

“Information was relevant, informative, and very useful. Engaging, yet relaxed, presentation.”

“Thorough review of interview types and stages. Good preparatory advice.”

“Very useful to know what the recruiters are looking for.”

Book your place on Interview skills: academic and competency based interviews , Thursday 8th December (this event will run online)