Booking Open: From PhD to postdoc: making the transition (arts) (6 February)

Lucy Hall
Wednesday 1 February 2023

This PhD to postdoc GRADskills online workshop is aimed at PhD candidates who are strongly leaning towards applying for postdoctoral roles. This session will focus on navigating the transition from PhD candidate to postdoctoral researcher, including gaining a better understanding of what research leaders are looking for and making the most of your remaining time as a PhD candidate. The difference in priorities between PhD and postdoc research will also be examined, and possible routes into academia will be identified.

What previous participants have said about the course:

“I found particularly useful knowing how to go through the application/interview process and how to sell yourself to a future employer.”

“I am aware of many considerations to take in[to] account if I decided to stay in academia. Also, I will take in[to] account options outside academia.”

Book your place on From PhD to postdoc: making the transition (arts), Monday 6th February