Participants wanted: In-person study of dreaming, attention, & anxiety

Wednesday 15 March 2023

You are invited to participate in a research project about dreaming, attention, and anxiety. This study is being conducted as part of my, Sofiia Dabizha’s, MSc degree in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of St Andrews. The study will take place in Lab 0.30 in the School of Psychology & Neuroscience (St Mary’s Quad) and take less than 1 hour to complete. It will involve completing a questionnaire about your dreams and feelings of anxiety and two musical attention tasks, during one of which you will be asked to wear a brain-sensing headband. You will NOT be asked to share the contents of your dreams or worries. You will receive guaranteed monetary compensation of £5.

To participate, you must be an adult (16+ y.o.) student or staff member at the University of St Andrews and have…

  • no known neurological or psychiatric disorders
  • normal hearing
  • normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • history of less than 1 year of musical instrument/singing practice outside of compulsory education programmes

If you’d like to take part, you can…

Contact details

Researcher: Sofiia Dabizha ([email protected])

Supervisor: Professor David I Donaldson ([email protected])

Ethics approval code: PS16528