Participants wanted: What Makes us Human focus group

Matthew Sheard
Wednesday 30 August 2023

This study is being conducted as part of our, Eilidh Lawrence, Dr Manon Schweinfurth and Matthew Sheard, study in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of St Andrews.

 We invite you to participate in a study investigating responses to the exhibition ‘What Makes us Human?’ and how it might have affected your attitudes, values, and behaviour towards animals. You will be asked to take part in a focus group lasting approximately one hour when you will asked about these topics. You will be given a £25 Amazon voucher as compensation for taking part.

If you are interested, please contact Matthew Sheard on [email protected]. You will then be given a Participant Information Sheet that further details our study and have the opportunity to ask questions, before being asked whether you consent to participate.

Contact Details

Principal investigators:
Dr Manon Schweinfurth – [email protected]
Matthew Sheard – [email protected]
Eilidh Lawrence – [email protected]

This study has received ethics approval, number PS16941.