Booking open: Publish or perish: academic publishing in a nutshell (12 Oct)

Lucy Hall
Wednesday 27 September 2023

This workshop will run online.

Book your place on Writing a literature review in the Arts, Thursday 12th October.

Publishing your work and sharing your findings is a key component of a successful research career. A significant time investment is required to successfully publish a paper and several skills are used during the process including collaborative writing, figure design, analysis and concise written communication. With 30,000 journals to choose from and various publishing models to consider, researchers need to be aware of which option will work best for them.

Academic publishing is currently undergoing a revolution and there have been several new developments in recent years, including the rise of open access journals, the requirement to share data and new regulations. Participants will be introduced to the editorial process, various publishing models, open access publishing, legal considerations and how to navigate the academic publishing process.