Pitch perfect: public speaking, networking & engaging

Trish Strzelecka
Wednesday 24 April 2024

Researchers are frequently under pressure to communicate their information verbally, whether it is an oral presentation, in a meeting or an interaction at a conference. Performing well in a keynote presentation or impressing at a chance meeting is key to facilitating collaborations, building relationships with future employers and boosting your career. Public speaking and networking are key components to a successful career, both within academia and beyond.

This workshop will cover various situations that researchers are faced with regularly with regard to verbal interaction. We will cover oral presentations, short communications, how to pitch your research and how to network effectively. Participants will be introduced to various techniques that they can use and adapt to a variety of situations: how do you respond to difficult questions? How do you effectively engage with senior academics?

Effective verbal delivery and engagement takes practice and this workshop will introduce participants to concepts and techniques that they can use to their advantage. We take a step by step approach to presentations, building up from initial short research pitches to longer conference talks so participants can gain confidence.

What previous participants have said about this course:

  • “The presentation exercise was quite useful – preparing quickly and getting feedback.”
  • “It was a very helpful event and an excellent workshop leader.”
  • “If they have not done a course like that, they should definitely give it a try.”

Please use PDMS to sign up: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/pdms/

Thursday 25 April 2024
10.00 to 13.00