Places available: Senior Fellow HEA contract
Some places have become available for colleagues who are currently working on applications for Senior Fellow (HEA) to join an existing contract held with AdvanceHE to grow numbers of Senior Fellows in the University. This contract covers the cost of a fixed number of Senior Fellowship, and provides access to an AdvanceHE consultant who will read one full draft of the application and provide feedback.
Draft applications must be submitted to the consultant by the end of June at the very latest, with final applications submitted to AdvanceHE by the end of July. As such, qualify for one of the places you must have the equivalent of half an application already in draft form in order to meet these deadlines.
Available places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To express interest in these places, please email [email protected] with a brief description of the progress you have currently made with your application by Tuesday 30th April.