Search by category: staff

Preparing for your Viva

The PhD viva is an integral part of the PhD process in the UK. It offers great opportunities for a well prepared candidate to discuss their work with experts in the field. This course aims to demystify the viva…

Leadership and teamwork for researchers

When hiring new team members, organisations are now increasingly choosing individuals with transferable skills such as leadership, teamworking, strong communication, negotiation and cooperative working. How an…

Places available: Senior Fellow HEA contract

Some places have become available for colleagues who are currently working on applications for Senior Fellow (HEA) to join an existing contract held with AdvanceHE to grow numbers of Senior Fellows in the University. …

Mentoring opportunity for HEA Fellows

Colleagues who hold a category of HEA Fellowship now can now become mentors and/or reviewers on the St Andrews Recognition Scheme (STARS).  STARS in an internal, AdvanceHE accredited scheme which allows participants to…


