Search by category: staff

Apps Anywhere unavailable Wednesday 18 August 10am-11am

Apps Anywhere will be unavailable due to an essential upgrade being carried out on Wednesday 18th August from 10am to 11am. During this time, you will be unable to install new applications via Apps Anywhere. …

Staff Parking Permit Renewal

All current University staff car parking permits expire on 30 September 2021.  Existing permit holders and new staff who wish to park in University Car Parks after 30 September 2021 MUST apply for a new permit, as they…

PGCert in Academic Practice for staff

CEED is pleased to announce the launch of the University’s new Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), a professional practice programme for all staff at St Andrews who are engaged in university teaching…

Refresher sessions for teaching staff

IT Services and CEED are running a series of in person refresher sessions for teaching staff to help prepare for the start of term:. Live demonstrations via PDMS  Teaching staff can register for an…


